Saturday 26 September 2009

public: "now only read bulletin eh."

Dear friends,

I am now reporting from OM Malaysia. I returned from Aceh on 31 May, and am waiting for the next assignment.

At first I went with an expectation to give but actually, by His grace, I was given much.

In the beginning, I was expecting myself to serve by doing things, teaching and training. But God taught me the value of building relationships, and that sitting around with the women in the village (seemingly doing nothing) and listening to them, was a step in building relationships, trust and bonding.

"To do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God" (Micah 6:8) is my calling in life, and I think that calling can be played out in many different ways in different seasons of life. I know that I love serving among the poor. The Lord has given me these passions for many years, and I have learned that He is faithful to bring to fruition the dreams He gives to us.

He has taught me whilst in the field to see His face in every moment and circumstance. Each moment is a gift, and His goodness is real and evident in all of these moments.

My heart cries out that ALL people would know Jesus. Just as deep in my heart, is a desire that all believers would know the fullness of life in Christ that is offered to us.

So that is my prayer for you all for today and the days to come, and until we all know His glory face to face.

In His Grace,


was highlighting names in the pjgh bulletins to see how many people there are that i actually know, and came across this letter in august 2's bulletin. the above is bits and pieces of her entire reflective letter to the church. don't you think she sounds like Paul when he was writing to the churches? ^_^

bulletins are definitely good for big churches. =)

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