Monday 27 July 2009

let's be civilized-ly rebellious.

things are so messed up. we're all so messed up. I'M messed up. it's like nobody understands the trouble i went to to bring the Kenari. it's like they're taking it for granted, like i get to bring a car because i'm a spoilt, rich kid. or something. i'm not. i may be a spoilt, rich kid some other time, but the instance of the car is not one such time.

and now UM has come up with this stupid car policy.

and now everyone wants to bring a car. supply-demand theory?

when the supply curve (SS) shifts to the left (to S1S1), signifying a decrease in supply, the quantity demanded (Q) should also decrease (to Q1).

everything that's happening is in utter defiance of this basic, fundamental theory! gah! i don't care about those speculators and businessmen! the important thing is how this flaw in this theory affects my application for a car sticker. bweh.

and allow me a moment of praise for my memory of my economics studies. *ahem*

i shan't expose the issues in tiara (my house) here. tiara-ians are my family, and i don't expose family issues for all to see. but there is a need for a family meet tonight. or soon. sigh.

but i find it hard to resist the urge to discuss this dog-eat-dog world. i witnessed first-hand the total ignorance and disregard my roomie's buddy had for her. it was like he was just waiting to shake her off. what is she to him? a kutu on a dog? some people have the nerve. out of respect for the fact that he is a human with feelings, i shall refrain from utterly destroying him in my blog. but yeah, he deserves the destruction.

anyway, back to the title of this post. (i may have strayed too far)

there will be a meeting with the VC at Dewan Gemilang, 12th College at 8.00 pm tomorrow (Tuesday, July 28). it's a meeting for us disgruntled students to specially interrogate and bombard him if we must, concerning the issue of the car policy.

You, You, and You must go. You refers to all those who've been circulating my blog posts in that email. if you really feel so strongly about this issue, then for parsley's sake, please go and make your voices heard.

as Clarence did say, we can write all we want, but if the VC's eyes are not open to what we write, we're writing to thin air.

tomorrow, let's question this policy in a civilized manner. ask, question, demand all we want, but we will make our voices heard!

all those yang takda kaitan, please don't take up space in the hall, thank you.


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