Wednesday 1 July 2009

idiots. (tomorrow will be about dmsj day 3. sabar. =P)

i think people shouldn't get mad at idiots because they're already so unfortunate to be idiots.

so if i'm unhappy with you, it's a good thing. because that means i don't think you're an idiot.

er ya, another one of my theories that i try to popularize.

and i'm not emo. (addressed to you =D)

i write about things as they happen, but i also forget things very quickly. people who've been my passengers (and gps-es) will know. so whatever is in the blog is there because i felt that way at that particular moment.

yup, i realize i have more emo posts whenever i get back to malacca. more specifically, *mgc. i remember something someone said about my dad - that he was interfering a bit too much. it's a difficult thing to say about someone. because you wonder if the person is really interfering, or if you're just being hardened to change and too rigid yourself.

sometimes it works the other way. sometimes the person who's interfering wonders if people are being rigid and stubborn, or if she's really interfering herself.

maybe i should do what geng yi and dad did, and let go. letting go isn't such a bad thing. letting go isn't the same as being irresponsible. letting go is making sure you're leaving things in the best state you can leave them in before you go.

letting go is the first step to take when it's time you realized you're not indispensable.

but letting go is also not the same as saying i don't care.

can a person care too much? why is "i care too much to let you hurt yourself" a good thing, but "you care too much" a bad thing?

For me, it's enough that all this is familiar.
This is truly my life.
I won't know what to do without all this.
Now all that's left to do is to find out what 'this' is.

-sunday, right after uncle thiran's sermon-

maybe i'm the one hardened to change. i've worked so much that His work has become my work. that isn't always a bad thing, depending on the condition of the heart.

maybe i should just let go. let the mistakes happen. let the people grow. let the Lord work.

letting go means hwei appears less in mgc and malacca, just to let you know.
i don't know if they realized that when they implied
letting go.

*mgc = melaka gospel chapel, for those who don't know


siehjin said...

letting go is hard, but it's necessary.

i don't know the full details, but i'm guessing that it's time to let go of ministry in mgc and move on to minisry in/around your uni...=)

hwei said...

Almost. =P