Thursday 30 July 2009

kee aun: "oh ya, i'm supposed to teach you photoshop right?"

Was incredibly tired yesterday. Still tired today, actually. Mum's right. I spend a lot of time blogging. Not because I have a lot of things to say actually true also but because I believe in responsible blogging, meaning facts must be accurate, no matter how much I want to diss the person I'm blogging about. Especially after studying defamation by libel in very great detail during my first year.

Reading Kee Aun's blog and listening to some other people, I realized that the VC and the students in general weren't the only ones on different pages. It was also kind of like:

Faculty of Law v. Other Faculties

Nobody suing anybody. I just feel we were on different pages. Probably different books while we're at it.

Kee Aun rephrased some of what was said that night (the ones in grey italics are what i wrote):

1. “Perhaps the university should give us all motorbikes to complement the new ruling.”
- "Is UM going to provide motorcycles for everyone?"

2. “15 more minutes, please?”
- 'Kean Kang asked for an extension of 15 minutes.'

Instead of wondering who heard right, let's try to dissect the situation. No matter how right we think we were in saying what we said to the VC, and no matter how bona fide (and I trust we had that spirit), the fact is that what we said sounded like that not only to Kee Aun, but the VC as well. Now that would explain why the panel was so offended.

Zer Hsien essentially meant, "Where are we going to get motorcycles? We drive cars!", and it wasn't so much a daring taunt to the panel. I can relate to this question. Even if I could somehow steal somebody's motorcycle, Dad would never let me ride a motorcycle. Not even if I'm just membonceng-ing as a passenger. Ah, personal family thing.

And the way Kean Kang talks is memang like that wan mah. His speech is always fast, brief, and clipped, and sometimes sounds rude to people who hear him for the first time. (frankly, i felt that way at our first buddy meet)

Sigh. No wonder, no wonder. I was confused when people said we were rude, because in my opinion, Zer Hsien was on his best behaviour that night. (zer hsien: "oh, you're trying to say i'm usually very rude izit?" =P)

It was then when a suggestion came from the stage to the students to work together with the team managing the busses to form a task force to analyse and come up with solutions. The hall remained quiet as it pondered on something that they needed to do to work towards what is yet to be done rather than demand that it be given to them.

-extract from kee aun's blog.

I agree. Completely. I felt the wave of silence sweep by as well. I also felt the VC's disappointment as the thought dwelled in his mind that perhaps we really were only there to lodge complaints after all. But then again, admist the wincing, I didn't miss the students' growing perception that the VC was just challenging them and not really wanting to come up with a solution either.

Updates on the Third-years in the Faculty of Law:
  • 1. The VC has allowed 55 Third-years Law students to drive into campus.

  • 2. Only the KL gate may be used - This is good because then students from other faculties cannot simply-simply park at our faculty when they learn of this stretch in the policy)

  • 3. Any Third-year Law student who breaks this prohibition will cause this privilege to be taken away by the university - As in every Third-year would lose the privilege to drive.

  • 4. The names, matric numbers, IC numbers and car registration numbers would be submitted.

I salute Bee San for her initiative. *salute* but then i wish i could have that priviledge too. uh... Don't know la. I think Law students would feel the yoke of this policy a lot, and in a different way from the rest. Because...

There is so much parking space in the faculty la!



On what I was mumbling about in the blog yesterday, MPMUM is looking for volunteers who'd be willing to monitor the bus system and make sure it's running according to schedule. Oh wait. First we have to find out what the schedule is first, sporadic as it is. Quite frankly, I don't know much about the bus. I was completely lost when they were talking about Jalan 1 and Jalan 2 etc. All I know about the bus can be summed up in this:

Eh? I thought the bus doesn't stop at First College wan?
Oh, this year it's not stopping at the Faculty?
Got annual shift wan ar?

(And I'm not even making that up)

And I'd probably get lost taking the bus. I got lost yesterday on the way out of the exit at Tiara. I used to get lost in restrooms, for goodness' sake.

I'm still up for the taskforce thing though. You people who always laugh at my sense of direction wan got no excuse not to volunteer. Nyeh nyeh.


Response to Kee Aun's question above (by Kee Aun himself):

"Wait till we solve this parking issue first la.*sighs*"

I didn't say it, I even laughed at the time, but now I'm saying it:

"Apa ni. You trying to say you don't want to teach me izit?"


Don't think it'll be solved. Like the American Constitution, there'll be a compromise, not a solution.


The Americans are doing okay right? Aha. *desperate*


Kauntan said...

lol. just name me a time =D I want to teach =D

hwei said...

3.33pm, Sunday. Hm hm. Ahaha.

Anonymous said...

y only law fac 3rd year student can drive. this is buyers n also a very smart move by um.