Saturday 16 January 2010

2010 is just not 2009.

so many things are changing this year.

too many relationships are changing. too many friends in the hospitals. too many lives affected.

too much change.

today i just received word that the doctors are telling us to be prepared emotionally, because he isn’t doing well. i don’t know what’s wrong with him. it’s not encephalitis, it’s not meningitis, not dengue, not H1N1, not malaria, not anything familiar at all. in fact, it’s nothing at all. they don’t know what’s wrong with him either.

when did doctors start saying things like, “we don’t know what’s wrong with him” and “the lumbar puncture results are out, but we still don’t know”?

it’s like a lawyer saying, “i don’t know the applicable law in this case” and “i’ve looked through the precedents, but i still don’t know”, or a mother saying, “i don’t know, dear”, and “i see your pain, dear, but i don’t know what’s wrong”.

it’s not right.

and now he has a brain infection that the CT scan says is getting worse.

how can someone be okay one day, and have a mysterious illness the next?

what’s it like to be in a coma?

what’s it like to see your fiance like that?

we need to pray for raymond. we need to seriously pray for raymond.

people, please get on your knees and pray!

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