Thursday 19 March 2009

li ern brought chocolate bread to law cg today.

joshua blocked norbert

Norbert: *holds bread with hands* "Come, let's pray for the bread."

Li Ern: "Your hands clean anot??"

Norbert: "I come with clean hands."

Joshua: "Wah, equity ah you?"

Equity*! Lawyer joke. XD

*legal maxim: "he who comes to equity must come with clean hands."

li ern: "i'm the lawless one in this law cg."
me: "you unlawful la you."

(li ern's not from the faculty of law)
(but she joins us faithfully and is hence,)
(very much a part of us)


Shuen said...

-_- lawyer joke like dat one ah.

hwei said...

Not funny meh? XD

liern said...

not funny =P

hwei said...

Funny la! Ahahahahahahaha.