no, no, not asking you. it's just...
this new game i found! (low-budget title animation man... even i could do it...)
um yeah, it's called Are You Dumb? it gauges your dumbilligence with just three questions, all posed by jimmy choo. you only have five seconds to answer each question, during which he will insult and taunt you.
i chose the wrong answers on purpose to see what he'd say:
i chose the wrong answers on purpose to see what he'd say:
rating: not highly recommended, just quite recommended.
comment: it'll only take you less than a minute to play. ahaha.
review: you got to give me a treat now, tse hwei. coz i got psychiatric illness now. i'm now mentally disturbed. -kock sin-
Gah! I can't believe got such game. -_-! Lame man. And I can't believe I actually played it after reading your blog. Does that make me lame?!
Yalor. I'm like the master of lame games. CK's the king of flash, so I'm the queen of lame games. LG Queen! *syok sendiri*
And yeah, that makes you lame. Bwahahhahahahahahahahahahah~
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