Tuesday, 12 August 2008

They're my family too.

And may our God and Father Himself, and our Lord Jesus Christ,
direct our way to you.
And may the Lord make you increase and abound
in love to one another and to all,
just as we do to you.

1 Thessalonians 3:11-12

My first thought was towards MGC and everyone there, some of whom I am yet to meet because I came back up to KL on Sunday morning 2 weeks ago.

I do miss everyone. I even miss doing this face --> -_- when the youth start talking and commenting among themselves when I am still in mid-sentence.

I miss hearing my name. =(

I was going to pen down "get to know the situation of everyone back home and encourage them", when I suddenly recalled the other church I have.


"Shouldn't this passage apply to them as well? They are also my brothers and sisters. We are all one family. Why should there be a special distinction for MGC? I think I see the one thing that can keep me from serving fruitfully in PJGH - the fact that I do not look forward to fellowshipping with them or getting to know them more the way Paul, Silas and Timothy looked forward to encouraging the Christians in Thessalonica."

Yes, they are my family. Jesus was right. It's easy to love those who already love us, or who are easy to love.

Serving in a foreign church sounds alright.

Loving them?

Encouraging them?

Mothering and fussing over the younger Christians the way I would back home?

Observing each one to know how they feel that day?

It doesn't sound alright.

It sounds as foreign as the foreign church is.

I must change.

I'm old enough to know what to do. Old enough to know how to do it. Old enough to carry it out.

No biases.

I shall love my family.


cluelessfreak said...

eh nice pic!

change is good.sometimes.

hwei said...

It's the cover of some product in one of those along-the-way perfume counters in midvalley or something. I snapped the pic then cepat-cepat cabut-ed just as the lady walked towards me. =P

Yeah, change is needed too sometimes.