Thursday 19 October 2006

What Tomorrow Brought


Mainly cuz maybe he didn't go for golf after all =_=

Anyway, back to today.

Weird topic title when one thinks about it huh. Is 'tomorrow' ever used with a word in the past tense? Hmm.

Business teacher returned our papers today. I didn't know that she'd arranged the papers in the ascending order of marks. So when she was holding the last paper in her hand, and asked, "Siapa belum dapat?" I was like, wut did I do this time, while raising my hand. Then she grinned cheekily and said, "Tze Wei (yeah that's how almost everyone pronounces my name) seorang saje yang dapat 80 ke atas."

Everyone was stunned for a moment. Then I walked to the front and took my paper. I was really shocked. How on earth did I get 82...??? When I exited the exam hall, I was totally agreeing with my friends when they said they wanted to go tiao lou. But then!!!!

If this is not a case of God helping me then I dunno what else to call it la.

Praise God!

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