Sunday 30 August 2009

the will to do, the soul to dare.

the famous quote from the law society of UM.

i'm not thinking about UM today. buhbye car policies and law society disappointments. just for today.

i'm thinking about the things i've recently found the need to pray for. something someone said some time ago (i think it was years ago) dropped by to say hi to me brain a few days ago.

"when young people nowadays say they'll pray about a relationship,
they still SMS and talk to each other on MSN.
how is that seeking God's will?"


random thought: did anyone ever tell them, when they were younger,

"when young people nowadays say they'll pray about a relationship,
they still snail-mail each other.
how is that seeking God's will?"

maybe a few years from now, i'd be saying,

"when young people nowadays say they'll pray about a relationship,
they still hologram each other.
how is that seeking God's will?"

uncle rod spoke very well today, i think. not so much his first two points, but more of his third point. that itself is an entire blog post, but for now, i shall comply with the overall theme of this post (because shaun is waiting to check some MU thing online).

uncle rod said that jacob was a strange man. he prayed to God like mad. but once he was done with meeting God, he planned and schemed like mad, to achieve what he prayed for.

some say that that is the right thing to do:

work like everything depends on you,
pray like everything depends on God.

but i would prefer to follow joseph's principle:

work because you can,
pray because He can.

i feel like i sudah terpesong sedikit.

but yeah. why should prayer and our effort be two different things?

waiting is one of the most difficult things to do. especially when you don't know what you're waiting for. or if you're not sure if what you're waiting for has actually passed you by. like when i used to wait for dad to come pick me up in school. ah.

let alone waiting on the invisible God that we do not see, whose presence is often only felt by those who profess to believe in Him.


praying still.


saun said...

i tak paham u cakap apa la.. too much philosophy d

Adrian Benjamin Lim said...

I do get what u mean, i think.

I've wanted to blog bout these stuff but at times i forget or can't put it in words.

Bout the realtionship thing, i guess "communicating" is ok wat...u wouldn't wanna be in a relationship with someone u can't talk or click with rite? It's part of gettinng to know the person.

I know la, if the "communication" goes deeper, then human emotions start to take over instead of God's will.

God is practical. I don't think He wants everyone to be like Issac who waited for his Rebecca wothout even knowing her. That is just one of the few examples. I believe God is a God of variety.

Those who can hunt will hunt. Those who wait for the "cupid moment" will wait for God to arrange loh...

Of coz, if God tells u to seek His Kingdom first, then u gotta obey lah. Leave the rest to Him lo.

Indeed prayer and patience is tough. Especially if the person is someone u really like.

I'm suddenly lost for words now..haha..that's all for now...lolz

hwei said...

[Shaun] You memang only paham-paham your nodding flower (which is actually a shaking flower) right. (likewise, only your nodding/shaking flower understands you lalala)

[Abang] That's like a reply to Shaun's takpaham-ness. Hahaha.

Ya, exactly. (lines 3 and 4) Kes Isaac tu different a bit, I think, considering the culture of the time. Ahaha.

But, yeah, agree with all of the above. Abang suddenly so wise wan. Speaking from [current?] experience ar? ^_^

It's okay if you're at a loss for words, you adi wrote quite substantive stuff d. Haha.

hwei said...

And apa ni, onlining on weekdays. Ish! (Shaun)

Adrian Benjamin Lim said...

so all this while i'm blur and unwise la....hahaha

no's just that topics like these have been one of those things i think about.

Experince tu belum cukup la. I barely had enuf if u remember my story...haha

Imagine, 4 years at uni and still single..I surely got ppl asking and thus I had to think bout these stuff from time to time.

Hmmm... u leh? thinking of someone ke? hehe

saun said...

I masih tak paham la u speaking

hwei said...

[Abang] Oh, that one you ownself say wan eh. Lalala. =P

Oh ya, I remember. Story yang sangat interesting. Haha.

Well, I dah second year and still single. Long live singles! =P Hm hm, now also still got people ask right? Now you've got answer for them. Haha.

Ya, thinking of my little brother above and his nodding flower. Haha~

[Shaun] See, that proves my point that you only understand your nodding flower. Tsk!