Monday 31 March 2008

Fall Out Banglas (FOB)

Fall Out Banglas is a band founded in 2003 in Malaysia after they released their chart-topping single White Van which made it their 2003 AIM best album and song beating PopShuvit's Sk8ter Anthem which ranked 2nd place.

EarlyLife Andrew Ong met Darren Teh and Isaac Chee and finally Lue Junyi and they formed the band in 2003. After Andrew had several vocal problems, they tried to audition many bands but it was a red light and they almost shut the band down for good. But after they found Babeng they swore that they'd found the perfect vocalist.

They released their chart-topping album which was ranked a number of times in the Malaysian chart.


Just one of the few reasons why I wouldn't bet my life on Wikipedia.


Jun Yi said...

Melvin did it. Ish.
And how in the world did you find it. LOL.

hwei said...

i have my ways. MUA-HA-HA.

i would've believed it if it wasn't for the grammar errors. ^_^"

shaun confirmed it's falsity by the fact that FOB is actually Fall Out Boys. -_-