Sunday 21 March 2010

today’s little bundles of joy.



Auntie Mavis

And Jacob returned to his home after 20 years with Laban. He was afraid to meet Esau, why? Cuz he cheated him before he left, remember?



I know! He can hide under his blanket!



But Esau will see the blanket and know that it’s Jacob!



No, no. He can hide under the water. I can hide under the water for… for… quite long, because I can blow bubbles under the water.


Auntie Mavis

Ya, ya, good, good. But he cannot hide forever, right? So what should he do?



Bring a blanket!


And just before he left, Clarence said, “Huggies!” and hugged Auntie June, Auntie Mavis, and me.

I once wrote about the children in my journal:

“Little Elliot reminds me so much of Little Ken Ken when he was, indeed, little. I miss my little brother’s innocence. Ken is like my thread to the past where, though I hated school and the experiences therein, I was innocent then. Naive, trusting, and beautiful inside.”


The fact that that paragraph was written during a gloomy period of PMS is besides the point.

I shall end with potong stimness today:

K, mandi!


Shuen said...

o_O Does that mean you're not beautiful anymore?

saun said...

o_0 Do you mean to say you were beautiful?

hwei said...

[Jie] PMS that time!

[Shaun] Eh, yalah. Abuthen. *contradicts reply to Shuen*

Shuen said...

I see lawyer in the making