Sunday, 14 September 2008

Footstool Players.

Really. Totally different from what they did for "Walk His Trail".

Less (much much less) narration, more acting.

Less serious, more funny.

Less historical, more relatable.

Title of drama = "That Crazy Little Thing Called Love".


For those in PJ area, Life Chapel's hosting it on 12 October, and Petaling Jaya Gospel Hall on 2 Nov.

Die also must go.

Uncle Dex asked me what part was most relatable to me, and I said the one about the prison (not telling you guys what "The Prison" is all about tho. no, it's not about some mother visiting her son in prison. hohoho.).


I agree that it's frustrating when a guy refuses to let you into his brain, no?

They just can't understand that not letting you into their brain = not letting you into their lives.

I also know what it's like to feel like you're a disappointment to someone you care about.

I have also sung songs to Jesus when I was crying in the bathroom.

All in all, the most relatable scene to me.

Besides the 2nd last scene (i know, i know, grammar salah).

Public: What's the 2nd last scene?

Not tellin'.

Ngwak ngwak.

That's it.

I'm bringing a bus-load of friends to the one in PJGH.

*edit* plus i also understand what she meant when she said "I'm trying to tell you how I feel". it doesn't happen very often. once the door closes, it never opens again. usually. yeah, there's always the share-again-with-the-person-to-help-each-other-grow thing, but being afraid of having the door slammed into your face again kinda makes things a little different. cuz when you share for that purpose, you're not being vulnerable. being vulnerable with another person helps you grow far more than you can ever imagine.

on another note, unc D said something profound: "You took the trouble to invite your friends, and I must play my part as a host to them."

good philosophy.

shall apply that in mgc.

by the way, take a look at this award-winning (seriously) video:

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