Sunday 17 October 2010


I looked at Chelsea’s cow today.



I tried really, really hard to see it for what it really was. I knew what it really was, but I just couldn’t make my eyes see it.




It wasn’t a sad cow, it was just a cow with it’s horns partially covering its eyes. Baa.

Some people would say: LEBIH.

Such is the attitude towards truth these days.

“Don’t have to know.”

“No need to think so much.”

“Why ask so many questions?”



Just because things seem that way doesn’t mean they are that way. If the truth isn’t important anymore, then nothing is. If finding the truth is lebih, then we’re no better than one who takes the blue pill in The Matrix.

You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.



Some people find out everything they can about their nation, their state, or their school/workplace, but do nothing to know just a little bit about themselves.

Some people find out everything they can about themselves, but do nothing to know just a little bit about their nation, their state, or their school/workplace.

The first group usually despises the latter group, which is understandable. But what is beyond comprehension is how the first group can never understand why the latter group sometimes despise them in turn.

Why is an important question to ask. What is simply the means to get there.

But of course, not many would agree.




This was taken right after Desmond said: “No! Not again! Don’t take my photo!”


Desmond = poser!


twyeo said...


chelsea said...

moo:" auntyy, whyy I lookk soo fatttt 1??" moo moo~

chelsea said...

eh..cow pornography!
tak pakai bajuuu!!
anyway, ah moo gt a hawt body! like the mother ** bangga giler**
my son looked so cuteeeee!!!!