Thursday 26 August 2010

in case you missed this on facebook:

Guess what? I joined a pantun-writing competition in First College. Lousy pantun lah I wrote.

Tse Hwei
Ooooo let me try! Dayung sampan di Selat Melaka... Nelayan semua kacak-kacak belaka... then "merdeka!" for the last line, but I can't think of something for the third line.

Long story short, our end-product:

Dayung sampan di Selat Melaka,
Nelayan semua kacak-kacak belaka.

Ingin saya merompak mereka,
Untuk alih perhatian, saya melaung "Merdeka!"

- Amreeta Kaur Dhillon & Lim Tse Hwei -

You saw this first on Hwei's blog. =D 

Tse Hwei
It doesn't make sense. It's like, completely pembayang for all four lines.

1 comment:

SimianD said...

Wah.. all pembayang.

Four shadows without a subject. Hmm... mysterious.

Nampaknya saudari Amreeta dan saudari Hwei berjaya mencipta 'sub-genre' pantun yang baru!