Tuesday, 2 February 2016

absence of courtesy and common sense.

What People Think I Do

Me: "Hi. Can I speak to the lawyer in charge of (ref number), please?"

X: "Ok, please hold on."

What I Actually Do

Me: "Hi. Can I speak to the lawyer in charge of (ref number), please?"

X: "Oh, this case eh. What is it about?"

Me: "I need to clarify certain things about the Draft Index of the Bundle of Documents."

X: "Ok, when do you want the Draft Index?"

Me: "I already have the Draft Index. I need to clarify certain items in the Draft."

X: "Ok, what do you want to clarify?"

Me: "I have certain things I need to clarify with the lawyer in charge. Please pass the call to the lawyer."

X: "Oh, the lawyer in charge is on leave."

What X did that was so utterly wrong

1. Zero courtesy. 

As a matter of courtesy, a lawyer attends to another lawyer at the earliest opportunity. If you're not a lawyer, and a lawyer on the other end of the line specifically asks for a lawyer, you either pass the call to one or tell them that lawyer is unavailable as soon as possible. 

2. Zero sense of responsibility. 

If you are a clerk / pupil / student, and even if you know about the file, ask yourself:-

(a) If you misrepresent the lawyer in charge, and I act on that misrepresentation, who takes the fall? You or the lawyer?

(b) Whose client is it? Yours or the lawyer's?

(c) Who will the client sue for misrepresentation and negligence? You or the lawyer?

3. Zero common sense.  

A person calls (A), and asks for Y. 

X answers the call and insists on answering queries A specifically said were meant for Y.

X realizes at the end of the day that X cannot answer A's queries and says X will ask another lawyer about it and get the lawyer to call me back.


1 comment:

chelsea said...

couldn't agree more...