Friday 11 June 2010

Mujizat itu nyata.

The song from Camp Cameron 2010 that made me think, doubt, cry, smile, praise, frown, and worship. It was with me for the three weeks of camp and the 13 days afterward.

Tiada batas kuasa-Mu, Tuhan
Semua dapat Kau lakukan
Apa yang kelihatan mustahil bagiku
Itu sangat mungkin bagi-Mu

Disaatku tak berdaya
Kuasa-Mu yang sempurna
Ketika ku percaya
Mujizat itu nyata
Bukan karna kekuatan
Namun roh-Mu, ya Tuhan
Ketika ku berdoa
Mujizat itu nyata.

There're no limits to Your power, O God
You can do everything
That which seems impossible to me
Is all too possible for You.

When I am weak
Your power is perfect
When I believe
Miracles happen
Not by strength
But by Your spirit, O God
When I pray
Miracles happen.

[English translation]

It's when you truly need a miracle that you find yourself asking if miracles can happen.

All my life, I never doubted God, always believed He knew best.
One thing I learned in camp was to doubt.
But in doubting, I also learned to truly believe.

Anak-Mu menantikan mujizat-Mu, Tuhan.

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