Tuesday, 20 May 2014

i. hate. conveyancing.

I am up to here *gestures* with doing conveyancing matters.

HERE, I tell you. *gestures even more passionately*

No teacher, no guide, no instructions, no one to fall back on when I'm in a mess.

Mess means either completely clueless as to what to do next, or completely clueless as to what to do NOW.

I'm in the middle of drafting a legal opinion (on terminating two agreements and the legal repercussions thereafter), a reply submissions to an Order 14 application (Plaintiff wants to enter judgment against my client without going for trial) and an affidavit-in-reply to an application to stay my client's Order 14 proceedings pending arbitration (Defendant is trying to stall for time and wriggle out of the suit by resorting to arbitration).

I ask you, with all that:-

Who on earth has time to call this Financier and that Financier and deal with questions like, "Has your client obtained Foreign Consent to transfer?" and my own questions, like, "Hahhh?" and "Foreign con-the-what?"

People who say one can do litigation and conveyancing at the same time have obviously NOT done it, or have extremely efficient and reliable clerks who don't bully you into doing THEIR work.

I. Hate. Conveyancing.

For the above reasons.

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