Friday 25 November 2011

on on on on on on

It's about passing on the vision. 

If I leave the earth without passing on anything, 

I think God wouldn't be the only disappointed person.

Sang this in church a few weeks ago. I've sung this song all my life (k exaggerating). But it really only sank in then. 

Let me show you what went through my mind as I sang it.

I'm a pilgrim on the journey

Of the narrow road
And the PKV-ians who've gone before me line the way
Cheering me on as I try to be faithful, 
Encouraging me when I'm weary
Using their lives as a stirring testament 
That God's grace sustains, and more than sustains.

Surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,
How can I run the race only for the prize?
But as those who've gone before me
I want to leave to those behind me
The heritage of faithfulness passed on through godly lives

Oh may all who come behind me find me faithful
May the fire of my devotion light their way
May the footprints that I leave
Lead them to believe
And the life I live inspire them to obey

Oh may all who come behind me find me faithful.

I have hopes and dreams 
When they have come and gone
And my successors sift through all I've left behind
May the clues that they discover 
and the memories they uncover
Become the light that leads them to the road we each must find

Oh may all who come behind me find me faithful
May the fire of my devotion light their way
May the footprints that I leave
Lead them to believe
And the life I live inspire them to obey

Oh may all who come behind me find me faithful!


siehjin said...

hi tse hwei... i haven't been here for such a long time! =P

i've been quoting the chorus of this song to many of the christian undergrads i know who are in their final year of uni... i hope that they will catch that sense of being part of something greater, and having the responsibility to pass on the baton to the juniors who are coming up after them... building them up and investing in their lives. =)

i gather that i happen to know and love two of those who are 'coming behind you' in the context of pkv: timothy who's from my church, and waiyan who's my cousin. =D

hwei said...

Yeah man, this post was like millions of years ago. =P

To think that I used to not like this song cuz it's so hard to play on the piano. Haha. =D