Thursday 18 February 2010

a parallel universe.

In Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, someone said that Earth 2 (the parallel Earth) and our Earth are only two of many other Earths in a single timeline. All of these are variations of one single Prime Earth - the original Earth. Each of the parallel Earths became what they were because of one single different decision, which led to a host of other differences.

Earth 3, uninhabited by humans, came to be because a fish was afraid to come up of the ground to partake in the process of evolution that would lead to the end formation of humans. (k, this is scientifically inaccurate, but i quote.)

In Earth 4, his parents never met, so he was never born.

And so on.

Finding every decision he made on Earth 2 meaningless because of the unreality of it all, he decided to find Prime Earth and destroy it, and with it, all reality.

The same day I watched this episode, I discovered that a decision I'd made a day before had caused my aunt to wander outside a shopping mall for two hours, the second hour ending at 1am.

Decisions do matter. Even little ones, like deciding not to call your aunt to ask why she hadn't yet come to the cineplex.

Deciding to wear white shorts on a certain day of a certain time of the month can be tragic.

Deciding to admit you were wrong to a certain friend on a certain day at a certain time can make a stronger friend.

Deciding to read a certain chapter of Matthew of the Bible on a certain day at a certain time can be life-changing.

Deciding to bold up and talk to certain someone on a certain day at a certain time about a certain something can change another's life.

Sometimes we're so caught up with making the big decisions that we don't see how the little decisions are affecting and changing our lives.

That day, I decided that Tellahasee from Zombieland was right - You gotta enjoy the little things. And to enjoy the little things, you gotta pay attention to the little things.

It's really too bad that the character who provoked me to thought was a guy called Owlman who was badly in need of some fashion advice. And it's really really too bad that he was supposed to be the parallel character of BATMAN. Can you believe it? MY Batman!


p/s: at least better than superman's parallel character la - ULTRAMAN. ROFL.
p/s2: those superheroes have weird insignias on their chests cuz the artists want us to know who they are right? i mean, they won't actually wear those costumes in real life right? right?