Tuesday 1 March 2011

childlike faith.

Hannah led the worship in the Law CG today, using the theme of 'childlike faith'.

JOY that is down in my heart,
Deep, deep down in my heart.
Jesus gave it to me,
And no one can destroy it.

With Christ in the vessel,
I can smile at the storm.

Jesus loves me, this I know.

For the Bible tells me so.
We are weak, 
But He is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
The Bible tells me so.

Thank You, Jesus, 
For Your love to me.
Thank You, Jesus,
For Your grace so free.
I'll lift my voice to praise Your name -
Praise You again and again.
You are everything.
You are my Lord.

I forgot.
I grew up and forgot all of this.
I was moved because I remembered,
that Jesus loves me.
And I was ashamed,
because I withheld love.

How could I forget?

I even forgot what I wrote once:

There will always be grace. 
(because we are in the period of grace)
But this is my prayer - 
let some of that grace come from me.

Jesus Christ, 
I think upon Your sacrifice.
Many times, 
I've wondered at Your gift of life,
And I'm in that place once again.

Again I pray, 

Let some of that grace come from me.

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