Monday 31 October 2011

that one person.

Sometimes we already know what to do.

Then someone comes along and says something.

Or we begin to see alternatives. Better alternatives.

Then we become philosophical.

"Maybe there's more to this than I thought."

To make it a bit more Christian, we say:

"What if God is leading me here instead?"
"What if God is telling me this instead?"

And then we confuse ourselves.

"What is Your will for me, Lord?"

When all He wanted us to do, He'd already told us from the start.

And then we say life is tough. Life is confusing. There are too many choices.

Well, at least that last bit is true.

There are too many choices.

Being people of discounts, we look for the cheaper choice.

The one that costs less to make.

Obedience comes with a price.

Everybody knows that.

But how many know that disobedience comes with the greater price?

Experience knows.

And experience is something to be gained.

The Father knows His child is weak.

So He sent someone to set her back on track.

Just ONE person.

But it has made all the difference.

Where a shadow of doubt was once cast,
there is now certainty again.
Or at least, a tilt in the balance of probabilities.

(I hate Criminal Law,
but it is useful today.

Thanks, Phye Beng. =)

I love PJGH.

I love the people in PJGH.

I love what I can do here as a Christian.

I love what I can do here as a lawyer.

But is it about what I can do?

Whose work is it?

Mine, or the Lord's?

He will bring the work in Malacca.

Anderson talked about faith vs. belief.

I believe that work will come, and work will be meaningful in Malacca,

But above all, I have faith in the God of my Work.

Come what may, this God will not fail.

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