Sunday 3 October 2010

here, there, everywhere, and nowhere.

I read something online, where someone was criticising Christianity. 

I think it's fine to have an opinion. In fact, it's healthy. Because if we don't have an opinion... well, just take a look around.


He who alleges must prove.

This fundamental rule in law must also apply in our lives, because law exists to regulate human behaviour.

On the one hand, you say that God/god sucks because good people die early while bad people who killed over 6 million people lived much longer.

On the other, you say that God/god sucks, because He/he/it is supposed to be loving/'loving', but He/he/it created hell.

Now, suppose I don't tell you what's wrong with those two sentences.

Try to think if you can say them in the same breath and not look like you're inviting a defence.

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